Love This Moment


Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Troilus & Cressida Dramaturgy Blog #3

Wooooooo Hooooooo!!!! 30 days left!
Here are some pictures of today's rehearsal of the Trojan dancers.

This is a great place to start, because these dancers, in our show, belong to Helen. Remember the guy who stole the Greek girl, and started the whole war? Well, Helen is that girl. In our show, she is played by Marcela de Moraes (some might know as the penguin? Yup.).

Helen is hopelessly in lust with Paris, the middle child of the King and Queen of Troy (which would make him a prince). Paris is the guy that stole Helen. Back in Greece,  Helen was the wife of Menelaus. Well, Menelaus was all mad (as one would be) at Paris. So war happened. Strangely enough, Menelaus isn't that large of a role in Troilus and Cressida. Every now and then he throws in a line that usually resembles "Hey guys, can we get my wife back now?". So, because Paris and Helen are so hopelessly in lust with each other, they don't do a whole lot except lounge around the palace.

The thing about Paris is that people are kind of mad about Paris starting this whole war. They want him to give Helen back, but obviously he doesn't want to. Helen loves this. She gets really excited when people fight over her (which is kind of what this whole war is...). The idea of an entire war being fought over her is soooooo awesome to her.

That is Helen.

Helen has an entourage of beautiful dancers who kind of just follow her around and, well, dance. Makes sense, right? Dancers dance. Here is what they look like:

Aren't they awesome? So now you know how this war started, and who Paris, Helen, and Menelaus are.

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