Love This Moment


Tuesday, March 5, 2013


10. Yup.

Today we'll start on the Greek War council.

The Greek war council is composed of the highest ranking Greek officials who run the war.
The leader of this group is Agamemnon (Aggy). Aggy is the head general of the Greeks.
He has many people at his command in the war council.

The most prominent is Ulysses. Ulysses is probably the smartest person in the whole show, and he shows it. The man can talk. and talk and talk............... oh, and talk. He's the one who's really running the show. Sorry Aggy.

Remember Menelaus? He's in this group too. This is the place where he throws in lines like "hey guys, can we get my wife back now?". Yup. Pretty much. One of his lines is actually "I had good argument for kissing once." which basically sums up his entire character.

Here are picture of them all:
Menelaus [right] and Aggy [left]

Menelaus [far right] and gang in back.

[from left to right] Menelaus, Aggy, Ulysses, Nestor.

Yay! Now you know some of the war council. We'll get the other next time. :)

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