Love This Moment


Monday, March 4, 2013


11 H-ing days.


We'll start with Achilles. Achilles is a boss person, but he's also kinda out of it. He's kinda in his own world. He's the mightiest Greek warrior, and he's kind of cocky about it.

He has a side-kick best friend named Patroclus. They are really buddy buddy. They both kind of live in their own Achilles world. The Greek war council kind of resents them for it, but they don't care.

When Hector gives the proclamation that he will fight the mightiest Greek and that whoever wins will win the war, everyone expects Achilles to fight Hector. Well, he thinks he's too cool for that. So people get angsty about it. That's what's going on with him, without spoiling too much for you.

Here's Achilles and Patroclus, standing in the same position:
Awwwwww..... Friends.....

Here's Achilles fighting Antenor, the cool Trojan guy:

Here they are again, except this time, you can see Bryce Murphy dead in the back.....Epic:

Now you know your first couple of Greeks!!!

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